Sunday 16 August 2009


A day of fruit; Italian peaches ripening on the window ledge in the kitchen, to catch the sun, tomatoes, blackberries.   The sun moved slowly on its age-old path and I came into the kitchen to find it shining through a bottle of olive oil, sending slender golden beams onto the work surface.  Bowls of fruit and jars of oil; simple kitchen pleasures.  

We were given our first home-grown tomatoes the other day, very sweet cherry and baby plum ones.  Absolutely delicious, grown in a greenhouse this high up.  Ours are still small and green and probably won't be ready for a few weeks.  We get our everyday tomatoes from an organic farm, where they are grown in tunnels and are small and sweet.  And occasionally I buy a bag of cheap ones, just to roast them.  

The garden is still providing fruit too; unexpected gooseberries, rescued raspberries, ripening blackberries.  The brambles on the cemetery hedge have plump black fruit on them, but they are not sweet yet.  

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