Saturday 1 August 2009


A wet start to a new month.  Presteigne this morning was dissolving in drizzle, no views out of the town, the air heavy with water.  Swifts somewhere overhead, invisible, just their shrieks heard above the town's noises.  We bought some bits from the charity shops and collected our organic veg bag and some spiced buns, a favourite with us.  It has rained on and off all day.  

But tonight I prepared our first part-home-grown meal.  We came home to three large courgettes/small marrows.  The largest one I have hollowed out and made the hollowings into risotto, with a bunch of home-grown shallots, which I will stuff back into the shell and bake slowly.  That's tomorrow's tea sorted.  

Dark from about 9.30 these days.  Trevor, a distant neighbour, has been trimming the hedge with an industrial brushcutter; we can now see much further.  It won't give us any daylight but it has opened the views across the valley in two directions.  

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