Thursday 2 July 2009


And now it is July and the run of settled, warm, occasionally wet weather has continued.  It feels like a proper summer.  Writing something like this has forced me to consider my day-to-day in a seasonal context, as if seeing every day through the prism of the season.  A good exercise, it has rooted me in the passing or turning of the year.  

A list of recent summery things, then; strawberries and cream, sports days, other people's holidays, the warm weather, Glastonbury and Wimbledon, lazy, stupid flies, the daily chore of watering the tomatoes and peppers, late late nights with daylight until 9.30 or 10pm, massively overgrown garden hedges, lavender flowers, shorts and no socks, every meal eaten outside... 

We do not have two pennies to rub together but the quality of our days is astonishing; and as if to prove it, my wife has just walked in with the first flowers of the Californian bluebells and the news that the courgettes have started to flower.  I am a lucky man.  

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