Tuesday 7 July 2009

Grass Tales Again

Some mornings the valley is completely hidden by mist, and the hill seems to float above the valley.  Only the tops of the trees are visible.  On other days the fields are obscured by moving sheets of rain, and the hills across the valley are indistinct or invisible.  This morning we woke to sulky showers of heavy rain, hiding the valley in cloud, obscuring the bald hills. It has turned wet and cooler after a week or two of warm dry weather.  The grass loves it and is growing at a fantastic rate.  I have never lived anywhere with so much grass and have become mildly obsessed by it, from letting it grow to cutting it short, from trimming the shaggy edges around the veg beds to letting the seed heads grow tall.  The wild flowers have a slow passage through the season, from the hawkweed and the mountain cornflowers starting to fade to the nursery flowers such as the rescue-lavenders coming into flower.  And after a fortnight of flowering the roses are all but finished.  

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