Wednesday 8 July 2009

From the Garden

I was lucky enough to spend most of the evening in the garden.  I have mentioned that the grass is taking advantage of my good nature and has run riot.  Tonight I strimmed the top half of the garden, the vegetable patch, and the newly-shorn area looks bigger and better managed.  I lifted the first of the shallots, that we bought as sets from Presteigne a few months ago, and they are now drying in the rear hall.  I also repotted some chard seedlings that have struggled in one of the vegetable beds and only just fought off the slugs; I did the same yesterday with some rocket plugs that had been decimated.  I suppose the garden is at its height, at least for this year.  The lavender have all flowered, some spectacularly, and most of the rescue plants in the nursery bed - plants that have been in pots since we left Southport two years ago - have recovered, flowered and put on growth. 

The days are still long, and at 10pm tonight it was only just dusk.  It is noticeably cooler than it was this time last week, and we were surprised by a hot spell this afternoon; we realised how easily we had slipped back into jeans and heavier shirts.  

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