Sunday 7 June 2009

Lake District Weather

We spent yesterday afternoon on the hill behind the house, clearing fallen and felled wood for firewood.   Paul cut the logs into manageable chunks and I hauled them up the hill in the wheelbarrow to the trailer at the top. Backbreaking work but the views from the top were magnificent, two or three miles down the valley to Kington, the broad back of Hergest Ridge, the slopes of Herrock Hill, even (on a clear day) Brown Clee Hill on the far side of Ludlow, which must be forty miles away.  But yesterday wasn't a clear day, it was wet and blustery and fitful; as if the weather was unable to make up its mind, or tired and edgy like an up-too-late child. It wasn't cold, just wet and windy, and reminded me of working in the Lake District many years ago, perhaps because hauling wood was one of the jobs then too.  And coming down off the hill to a stone room full of drying boots and dripping wet-weather gear in front of the small fire seemed very Cumbrian too.  I must find a camera....!

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